Ready to implement your Strategic Action Plan for an amazing year in your business?

Achieve your Goals using the 90-Day CEO Business Growth Framework


Imagine the confidence you will feel..

knowing how to translate those big goals into 90 Day Plans so you can say NO to shiny objects and YES to strategic action steps.

Imagine the freedom you will feel..

knowing exactly where to focus your time and energy as the CEO of your business, so you can stop spinning your wheels and start seeing massive momentum in your business.

Imagine how amazing it would feel..

to go into next 90 days with week by week checklist that breaks down your annual goals into step by step plans you can easily check-off.

It’s possible when you turn your vision into 90-day plans.


Strategically set your year up for success.

The biggest reason most businesses struggle? They are winging it!

Using our 90 Day CEO Planning Process, you’ll learn how to build the flywheel for your business that you can rinse and repeat for more ease and less stress.

Create easy to-do weekly action plans.

It’s not what you do once in a while that generates results… it’s what you do each and every week that moves your business forward.

Together, we’ll break down your big plans into easy-to-do weekly action steps.

Master radical self-ccountability.

A plan only works if you work the plan!

I’ll walk you through my signature 90-Day CEO Planner to hold yourself accountable (and make sure you’re focused on $1000 CEO level tasks vs. $10 an hour busywork).

The CEO workshop isn’t about dreams and vision boards.

Together, we’ll leverage the 90 Day CEO Framework to reverse engineer your goals and map out your weekly action steps for massive momentum in your business!


RSVP now for the CEO workshop

Virtual: Zoom

Hear From the Pros

Fellow women entrepreneurs who took this workshop have something to tell you

Productivity Coach

“The workshop’s action plan aligned perfectly with my lifestyle goals. I’ve experienced a surge in leads and conversions, leading to substantial revenue growth.”

Branding Consultant

“The workshop strategies revamped how I generate leads and convert prospects. I’ve surpassed revenue targets and feel empowered to scale my business.”

Talent Manager

“This workshop’s structure turned my revenue planning from overwhelming to organized. I’ve streamlined systems and witnessed noticeable growth in revenue.”

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